
Welcome to Side-Eye #

Side-Eye is a next-generation debugger for production Go services.

A demo environment showing the Side-Eye monitoring a CockroachDB cluster is available at

Getting started #

There are two ways of monitoring a process with Side-Eye:

  1. Install the Side-Eye agent on the process’ machine (Linux on x86)
  2. Include the Side-Eye client library into your Go program (Linux on x86, MacOS on arm64)

Installing the agent #

In order to install side-eye-agent on a Linux machine:

  • Log in to the Side-Eye web application and click on your user icon at the top right (or click here).
  • Copy the API token corresponding to your organization.
    • The token is shared by all users with email addresses at the same domain (see Users and organizations for more info).
  • Run curl | sh and paste the API token when prompted.
    • Or pass the API token to the installation script directly:
      curl | SIDE_EYE_API_TOKEN=<token> sh

This will install the side-eye-agent through a snap package. Once agents are running, they should show up when you log in to the Side-Eye web app at

See Installing the Side-Eye agent for more info.

Using the Side-Eye client library #

  • Add a dependency to the library to your program:

    go get
  • Configure the library to connect to the Side-Eye cloud service:

    import ""
    if err := sideeye.Init(context.Background(), "<name of my program/service>"); err != nil {
      log.Printf("failed to init Side-Eye: %s", err)

    The <name of my program/service> argument should correspond to the program name under which processes running this source code should be grouped by Side-Eye.

    The Side-Eye client needs to be configured with an API token in order talk to the cloud service. This token can either be specified through the SIDE_EYE_TOKEN environment variable, or, alternatively, it can be passed configured in the source code by passing the sideeye.WithToken("<my org's token>") option to the Init() call. See the Installing the agent section above for instruction on finding out the API token corresponding to your organization.

    Calling Init() to automatically establish a connection to the cloud service is not strictly necessary. The configuration page can be used at run-time to establish a connection manually, on-demand; see below.

  • [Optional] Install the HTTP handler to expose a configuration page:

      httpL, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8080")
      if err != nil {
      go func() {
      	http.Handle("/sideeye", sideeye.HttpHandler())
      	log.Fatal(http.Serve(httpL, nil))

    This snippet will install an HTTP handler accessible at http://localhost:8080/sideeye that generates a configuration page allowing users to connect or disconnect from the Side-Eye cloud service and configure the connection parameters.

See Side-Eye client library for more info.

If you’re running a Kubernetes cluster, you can also deploy the side-eye-agent using a helm chart. See Deploying the Side-Eye agent in Kubernetes for more info.