Demo walk-though

This walk-through is meant to be used with the []( demo sandbox.

Let’s go through an example of using Side-Eye to investigate an issue. We’ll use a toy service and do a walk through using the debugger to understand a problem. Once we’re satisfied with understanding the problem, we’ll briefly show how a debugging session can leave something durable behind it so that future issues are diagnosed quicker. The example code lives in side-eye-demos/slow-rpc. The example is a simple gRPC server that stores state on behalf of an arbitrary number of clients. There is also a client program consisting of 100 goroutines making requests to the server in a loop; each goroutine corresponds to a logical client, as identified by a “clientID” (numbers from 0 to 99). Each GetInfo request is asking the server for data attached to the respective clientID.

If we were to run the client program locally, we’ll see that, every now and then, it prints a log message complaining that an RPC took a very long time - over a minute. Not all RPCs take a long time, though. Our mission here is to figure out why some do.

The broad strategy is the following:

  • We’ll use Side-Eye to take a snapshot of our system at an arbitrary time.
  • We’ll look in the snapshot and try to identify a client- and server-side goroutines corresponding to one of these slow RPCs.
  • If we do find such a goroutine, we’ll look at its stack trace and see what its doing / what it’s blocked on. Depending on that, we’ll judge whether what we’re seeing in that one specific snapshot is likely to be representative of all the slow RPCs, or if it looks like there might be more than one problem.
  • Then, depending on what the goroutines are blocked on, we’ll see if we can follow up with a deeper question about what else in the system we should be looking at towards a complete root cause.

To take a snapshot, we need the client and server to be running, and we need the Side-Eye agent to be running on the respective machine(s). We have a sandbox environment set up for this, accessible at – this is the Side-Eye web app connected to one agent running on the VM where our client and server programs are running. There is also – a demo environment that monitors the same processes, but where Side-Eye has already been configured to collect all the data that we’ll require in this tutorial. If you get lost or want to skip ahead, you can use that one to see the end state.

Once we’re in the sandbox, the first thing we need to do is take a snapshot of the processes we’re interested in. By expanding the arrow on the “Capture snapshot” button at the top-right, we can verify that indeed the agent is monitoring our two processes.

capture snapshot button

Let’s click the button and capture a snapshot. After a moment, we get a notification telling us that the new snapshot can now be opened. The new snapshot also appears on the Snapshots page. Opening the snapshot, we get a flame graph view of (the stack traces of) all the goroutines, across our two processes. This includes goroutines that were executing on-CPU at the moment when the snapshot was captured, and goroutines that were blocked or waiting to be scheduled.


Each cell in the flame graph corresponds to a stack frame from a group of goroutines with similar stacks. The width of a cell corresponds to the number of goroutines whose stack matches from the top-most frame to that cell. In our example, we notice two wide columns – one under binary: client-v1 containing the function main.runClient and one under binary: server-v1 containing the method main.(*server).GetInfo. Hovering over cells in these stacks, we see that each column corresponds to 100 goroutines. This makes sense: at any point in time (in particular, at the moment this snapshot was captured), we expect 100 client-side goroutines blocked on RPCs to the server (those are the client-v1 stacks), and 100 server-side goroutines handling those requests (the server-v1 stacks).

We know that some RPCs take 1 minute (which is very long) so, hopefully, at the time of the snapshot there is such a slow RPC in-flight (or maybe multiple of them?). Cross-checking the client-side stack trace with the source code, we see that runClient calls rpcClient.GetInfo in a loop. The first question is – can we get our hands on a slow GetInfo request (i.e. a GetInfo request that has been blocked for a while)? We could attempt several ways of answering this; one way is to click on the GetInfo cell in the flame graph in order to focus the visualization on goroutines that have a specific stack prefix, and then to switch to the stacks view that has more info on the goroutines.

longest blocked goroutine

On the stacks view, goroutines with identical stack traces are grouped together. Since we focused on the 100 goroutines that are doing the same thing, we see only one group. For each group, we can see how many goroutines there are in it, and the time that the longest-blocked goroutine has been waiting for. Hovering over the “longest wait time” text gives us a link to the respective goroutine. So, if we are interested specifically in the longest-blocked goroutine in a group, then clicking that link will focus us on the oldest goroutine. If we care about the blocking times of other goroutines, Side-Eye exposes that data in a built-in SQL table; we’ll get to tables in a bit.

If we follow the link to the longest waiting goroutine, our view will be filtered to that one goroutine (see the filters box). The stack that we see in the stack view and in the flame-graph view is the same as before – we’ve selected one of 100 goroutines with identical stack traces. The stack trace is telling us that the goroutine is waiting on an RPC request. But, crucially, we now see the data collected from this one specific goroutine. When starting from an empty “spec”, like this raw-demo sandbox does, not much data is collected (we’re about to collect more in a bit). However, Side-Eye recognizes gRPC calls out of the box and collects enough data to allow navigation from the client-side of a call to the server-side. This will allow us to figure out what the server is doing.

Looking at the stack frame corresponding to the*csAttempt).recvMsg function, we see link icons next to the stream_id and local_addr variables. Clicking on one of those shows a little popup that invites us to navigate to the server-side goroutine handling this RPC request. Either of the two link icons works; they do the same thing because both stream_id and local_addr participate in the same links.

client stack

Following the goroutine link in the popup gets us to the server-side goroutine. Let’s see what the server is doing.

mutex lock

We notice that this goroutine has also been waiting for a similar amount of time to the client-side goroutine, which is not too surprising. From the sync.(*Mutex).Lock frame, it looks like we’re blocked on acquiring a mutex. The question now is – who’s holding that mutex and why are they holding it for so long. Also note that, towards the top of the stack, the grpc.(*Server).handleStream frame has the link icon on its variables. This is the server-side to client-side link, the reverse of the one we’ve followed to get to this goroutine; Side-Eye links are bidirectional.

At this point, we could inspect the code and speculate about who might be holding the lock. Or, we can try collecting some information from this server-side goroutine. In particular, we can focus on our RPC handler: main.(*server).GetInfo. Hovering over a stack frame displays two buttons; one of them shows the side-bar where we can edit the function spec to collect more data (we can also Alt-Click on the frame’s function name like we did on the flame graph view).

capture variables

This will bring in a sidebar displaying details for the function. We call this the “function spec” – it specifies what data to collect when this function is encountered as a frame on a goroutine’s stack. Clicking “Add/remove variables” shows all the variables in the function and lets you select which ones should be captured and included in future snapshots.

function variables

Not all variables are always available for capturing. In particular, when editing a function spec in the context of a particular goroutine’s stack frame (or a group of goroutines with matching stacks, like we display in the flame graph), the availability of variables is considered relative to that frame’s code location (i.e. the frame’s program counter). That’s what “variables available at PC 0x7d1603” is saying. Some of the function’s variables are not in scope at that code location, for example. Such unavailable variables are grayed out in the form (note however that the collection of unavailable variables can still be requested; if a frame corresponding to our function is found at a different PC where the variable is available, it will be collected in that frame’s context).

Let’s select the variables that look interesting: the request protobuf and the *main.clientState. The latter is the structure that contains the mutex we’re blocked on, so it seems like a good idea to see what else is in there.

To get newly requested variables, we need to capture another snapshot. Let’s do that and see if there is anything interesting in the clientState struct that we asked for. Note that the new snapshot will likely have another slow RPC, so we have to find the oldest client-side request again and navigate to the server-side handler. Or, to take a shortcut, after opening the new snapshot, we can go back to the flame graph and focus on the server-side goroutines; we’ll notice that there are exactly two distinct stack traces for the server-side goroutines: 99 goroutines are blocked on a time.Sleep() call, and one is blocked on Mutex.Lock. We want to focus on the latter.

Let’s look at the data that we just collected for this goroutine.


In the stacks view, captured variables are displayed inline, within the stack frame from which they were captured. Both the cs and the request variables are of struct type; they both contain a clientID field identifying the client performing the request. There’s something suspicious in the cs variable: one of the fields says processing: true. Could this “processing” be a clue about who’s currently holding the mutex?

To attempt to quickly disprove the theory that the processing: true flag is interesting, we can check whether that field is set for any of the other in-flight requests. Clicking on the table icon in the top-right corner of the main.(*server).GetInfo stack frame will open up a table containing all the data collected from server.GetInfo; each stack frame from the snapshot corresponding to this function, across all goroutines, is represented as a row. Side-Eye organizes all the collected data into SQL tables, and lets you query them and create derived tables for processing and analyzing the data. In particular, every function from which we capture some variables gets a “function table”.

server-side data table

Eye-balling the data in the cs column, we see that the processing flag seems to generally be false. In order to verify that there is only one row where the flag is set, we can change the pre-populated query at the top to

SELECT * FROM server_GetInfo where cs->mu.processing = 'true'

and hit Run (or Ctrl-Enter); we’ll see that, indeed, there is only one result row, and it corresponds to the goroutine handling our slow request. So, the processing field seems correlated to our issue.

Going to the code again, we can check who sets the field: the server.processClient method. Reading that method’s code, we get a pretty good idea about what’s going on: processClient takes the mutex of a clientState object and holds it for one minute (this is supposed to simulate a slow computation). Let’s verify in Side-Eye that processClient is indeed running. Go back to the Goroutines tab and type processClient, for example, in the filter box. Select the suggested method to filter the view to goroutines that have this function somewhere on their stack trace. We find one such goroutine: server.processClient is called by server.backgroundProcessor, so we gather that the lock is held on behalf of some background processing.

processClient stack

Let’s verify that this goroutine is working on the same clientID as the one that the RPC handler is trying to lock: let’s capture the cs variable from (*server).processClient.

processClient capture variables

Also, let’s add an “extra column” called last_background_service_time to the function’s table with the expression cs->'mu.lastBackgroundServiceStartTime'. This will tell us how long the background processing has been running for. Extra columns allow adding columns to function tables that do not correspond directly to a captured variable. An extra column is defined by a SQL expression evaluated on top of the “captured variable” columns; these expressions are frequently JSON path expressions using SQLite’s -> JSON operator for selecting specific fields of a captured variable. In this case, we’re selecting a numeric field whose unit is nanoseconds since epoch; set the column type to TimestampNanos so Side-Eye interprets the timestamp accordingly and formats it nicely.

collect new variable

Since we just requested new data to be collected (i.e. the cs variable), we need to capture a new snapshot for the new data to be included. Click the “Capture snapshot” button and notice that, when we open the new snapshot from the toast notification that appears at the top of the page, the Goroutines view will retain its filters. So, we’ll automatically be focused on the goroutine running processClient (this might be a different goroutine than in the previous snapshot that we were looking at). Now we’ll get a clientID value which we can verify that it corresponds to the currently-running slow request. We also get a value for our last_background_service_time column which tells us that processClient has started its processing a few seconds ago, which corresponds roughly to when our current slow request got blocked.

To pedantically prove that this processClient call is holding the mutex that the gRPC handler is trying to acquire, we can look at the memory address of the clientState struct that contains the mutex and observe that it’s the same across the two functions. Both server.GetInfo and server.processClient have a pointer to the clientState. Side-Eye does not show pointer values by default, but we can still get them. Whenever we capture a variable, the function table for the respective function gets a column with the variable’s name containing a JSON representation of the variable’s data. This representation flattens pointers (i.e. there is no difference between how pointer fields and non-pointer fields are rendered). However, there is also another column called raw_<variable name> that doesn’t do the flattening; that one contains pointer values. This column is hidden by default, but we can ask for it to be shown in the table view. Navigate to the processClient table (by clicking on the table icon corresponding to a processClient frame in the stacks view, or by switching to the Tables view at the top of the page). To show hidden columns, click on the “Show/hide columns” button on top of the table’s data and toggle the raw_cs column.

processClient table

We now see that the data we captured was a pointer, and we get the value of the pointer in the __addr field. To check whether this memory address corresponds to the pointer in server.GetInfo, one easy thing to do is copy the memory address, and then do a “full-text search” to see if that address appears anywhere else in the data. Navigate to the Tables view at the top, then click on all_captured_data table. all_captured_data is a built-in table (technically, it’s a database view) that presents all the data from all the other function tables in a uniform way. It’s particularly useful for this “full-text search” functionality.

tables list

With the all_captured_data table open, we can click on the magnifying glass icon to do a text search through all the data. Pasting the memory address in there gives us two results: one in table server_processClient (this is the table corresponding to the server.processClient method where we got the memory address from), and the other one in table server_GetInfo, corresponding to the gRPC handler. So, everything checks out – the cs variable in the handler points to the same clientState object. We can use the link in the goroutine_id column to navigate to our blocked handler goroutine, coming full circle.

all_captured_data table

We have figured out in pretty good detail what’s going on. To recap, we wanted to understand why some RPCs are slow. We followed a few steps that should become second nature after using Side-Eye a few times:

  1. We started on the client side by collecting all the gRPC request protos. We identified the goroutine that was blocked the longest; the blocking time was quite large, so our snapshot was taken at a time when a “slow RPC” was in progress.
  2. We then used the gRPC links to navigate from the client-side goroutine to the server-side one, where we saw that the server is blocked on a mutex.
  3. We then collected some data from server.GetInfo about what the server is doing to get a clue about what the contended mutex is about.
  4. We cross-referenced the code to see who else is locking that mutex. We found one other method that does (server.processClient), and so we searched the stacks to see if that method is running; it was running indeed.
  5. We then collected data from server.processClient to check on the state around the mutex it’s holding and verify that it’s indeed the same one as the one that the gRPC handler is trying to lock.

This was a pretty satisfying investigation; it’s a toy example, but it shows how one can dig pretty deep with Side-Eye towards a root cause. Besides letting you spelunk deeper than other tools, the other power of Side-Eye is making future related investigations by you or others in the team easier - future investigations don’t need to start from scratch. Reusing prior work take a couple of forms:

  • the data that we asked for and the extra columns we defined for function table will remain for the benefit of future snapshots (so, for example, future investigations can now start by looking at all active RPC requests and select the oldest)
  • derived tables can be created for reports that do not directly correspond to stack frames
  • links can be defined for easy navigation between entities

To help our future selves, let’s create a link between a server.GetInfo frame and the server.processClient frame that it’s blocked on (if any). Next time this relationship is needed, we’ll be able to move from goroutine/frame to the other naturally (similarly to how we’ve used the built-in gRPC link to navigate from client to server). The link will also function the other way around: server.processClient can also be blocked by server.GetInfo, albeit for less time.

Side-Eye links are a powerful, general concept – a table row can be linked to other table rows. The links do not carry semantic meaning as far as Side-Eye is concerned, but they can be given a description. A link consists of one or more columns from a source table, and an equal number of columns in a target table. Links are bidirectional, so the source and target are symmetric. A link between (table A: column foo) and (table B: column bar) means that a row from A with value x in column foo will be linked to any row from B that has value x in column bar. These links show up when visualizing table A and table B. If either of these are function tables (so their rows correspond to stack frames), then the links also show up when looking at stack traces that contain those frames on the stacks view.

Before defining our link, we need to decide what exactly is the key that makes the connection between the server.GetInfo frame and the server.processClient. We have a couple of options:

  • We could use the cs columns on both sides, but that does not please our sensibilities: the cs columns contain possibly-large JSON documents and using the JSON representation of a data structure as the identity of the respective structure seems unusual and perhaps fragile (although it would work for our purposes).
  • We could use the ClientID field, as it uniquely identifies the clientState instance that both those functions are operating on.
  • We could use the memory address of the clientState struct. This is arguably the most direct way to express the relationship that we’re trying to get at with our link: two different function are contending trying to operate on the same object. Let’s take this option.

Once we know conceptually what we want to join the tables on, we need a column (or a combination of columns) in each of the tables that contain our key (and only our key). Similarly to how we added the last_background_service_time column before, let’s navigate to the table corresponding to the server.GetInfo function and add our memory address column, and then navigate to the table corresponding to the server.processClient function and do the same thing.

server tables

Navigate to each of the tables and click “Edit table definition”.

table view

Now add an extra column called cs_addr with the expression raw_cs->'__addr'.

add extra column

With these columns, we’re now ready to add a new link to our spec. To define a new link, navigate to the Spec page and add a new link referencing the two tables, each with the column we’ve just defined.

add link

Once we add the link to the spec, we can go back to the Snapshots tab, open our last snapshot, and navigate to our tables or stacks and see the link icons for the respective frames. Note that we don’t need to capture a new snapshot for the new links to be reflected, just like we didn’t need a new snapshot for the extra columns to appear in their tables: the data in existing snapshots is always organized and link-ified according to the current version of the spec. For example, if we navigate to server.processClient’s table, the one and only row there now gets a link icon in the cs_addr column.

table with link

Similarly, rows in server.GetInfo’s table will now get links, although over there only one of the 100 rows gets the link – the row corresponding to the goroutine that’s blocked by the background job.

The links also show up in stack traces of the respective goroutines:

stack with links

This concludes the walkthrough. The point was to present a debugging flow on a toy example, and introduce some of Side-Eye’s features geared towards use in a team, across time. Thanks for playing.